Sunday 25 April 2010


I pretty much lived in a hostel for the first year I was in London. It was an old five story terraced house in Earls Court and the backyard there was inaccesible, overgrown and filled with assorted junk. This photo was taken out the window of the first room I lived in before I graduated to one of the better rooms on the upper levels.

Thursday 15 April 2010


Been busy talking Expedit's so no photo's at the moment. I am pretty stoked on this though. When he's not directing Hollywood blockbusters Spike Jonze is taking skateboarding to scary new dimensions.

Saturday 10 April 2010


After many interviews and much waiting I am now happily employed by these guys.

Regular blogging duties resuming soon.

Thursday 1 April 2010


Skateboarding is changing things for the better in Uganda.

Check out thier website at

These guys sure are inspiring.

Kitintale from Yann Gross on Vimeo.