Wednesday 23 June 2010

Innovation #2

While skating with Max the other evening I managed to capture the illusive ollie to one footed smith grind. A rare treat.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Monday 21 June 2010

Sunday 25 April 2010


I pretty much lived in a hostel for the first year I was in London. It was an old five story terraced house in Earls Court and the backyard there was inaccesible, overgrown and filled with assorted junk. This photo was taken out the window of the first room I lived in before I graduated to one of the better rooms on the upper levels.

Thursday 15 April 2010


Been busy talking Expedit's so no photo's at the moment. I am pretty stoked on this though. When he's not directing Hollywood blockbusters Spike Jonze is taking skateboarding to scary new dimensions.

Saturday 10 April 2010


After many interviews and much waiting I am now happily employed by these guys.

Regular blogging duties resuming soon.

Thursday 1 April 2010


Skateboarding is changing things for the better in Uganda.

Check out thier website at

These guys sure are inspiring.

Kitintale from Yann Gross on Vimeo.

Wednesday 31 March 2010


One of the highlights of my time in the UK was running into Ross (the bispectacled guitarist) at Newcastle Train Station. I told him I liked his band and he came over and thanked me afterwards.

Monday 29 March 2010


Some photo's I took on the way home from the supermarket tonight.

Thursday 25 March 2010


Photo's taken on my camera phone. February and March 2010.
My new home. Was originally shot so I could message it to Heather who's still up in Brisbane.

This is Max's best friend Tess. I got to meet her on a visit to Melbourne back in early February.

A cheeky monkey by the name of Olivia. She is my niece who lives in NZ and is pretty much up to mischief at all times.

Went for a skate last night with Max and Jason. While lipsliding a very slick metal ledge Jason fell backwards leaving a portion of his forearm skin and hair on the edge. In the words of Max "that's bad juju".


Brian Anderson is by far one of my favorite skaters ever and he seems to be "so hot right now" on the internet with a series of Epicly Later'd dedicated to him over on and interviews on various websites.

This one over on The Chrome Ball Incident is my favorite so far.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Monday 22 March 2010


Walking out of the hostel which has been my home for the last few weeks when I can hear a racket coming up Mackenzie Street. Lo and behold 100 naked people in body paint on bicycles go past. My route to the Rooftop Bar to meet Jenny seems to follow theirs and I bear witness to the aftermath. People comparing iPhone photo's, people wondering what it's all for and boys in their late teens chasing them down the street to get a better angle.

What's is it with me and people stripping down this week?


Olivia and her Aunty Heather.

Wednesday 17 March 2010


"In Melbourne you gotta do the bloody hook turn mate"


I mean really?

Who bright idea was it to start sexualising babies?

Tuesday 16 March 2010


I'm currently living in a hostel until I move into my new digs in North Carlton next Monday.

This is Hirome from Tokyo. She was staying in the same dorm as me last week so we both went on sightseeing missions together. Her as a tourist, me getting to know my new home.

Unsatisfied with the Asian offerings in the city, what she really wanted was a bowl of pasta, so off to Lygon Street we went for some true Italian fare.


Another post of me posting others people's stuff but this is too good not to. Regular posting of original Andy material will resume shortly.

Thanks to Krooked.

What's up to my reader in Nassjo, Sweden.

Monday 15 March 2010


I know, I know, stop it with the classic skateboarding photo's already. Well guess what? I can do what I like and it's Lance Mountain!

Photo courtesy of Lance Dawes'. The founder of Slap Magazine.


I’m standing at the counter of Magnation on Collins Street waiting for my flat white to consume upstairs while I use the free wifi when a young metro walks in with his girlfriend.

"I hear your giving away free mags to people who walk in in their undies?"

"Yeah that’s right but you have to go outside, strip and then walk back in"

The passing crowd on Collins Street looks on in a mixture of bemusement, curiosity and nonchalance while the young couple strips and then spends the next half an hour shopping. The act is repeating several times over the next hour.

Friday 12 March 2010


Not one of my photo's but, HOLY SHIT! Padless 540 on a vert ramp in the snow! John Cardiel has no equals.

Thanks to The Chrome Ball Incident and Passport for the inspiration.

Tuesday 2 March 2010


Funny thing is I really want to be on the payroll right now.

Monday 1 March 2010


Just moved to Melbourne. Now I begin the task of finding a place to live. These are from the window of Readings Bookstore in Carlton.